This included choosing a spectacular historical venue called the Angel Orensanz Center, which the rabbi informed us is the third oldest temple in the country and the security guard informed me that it has hosted events ranging from the wedding of SJP & Matthew Broderick, a concert by Kevin Bacon's band, and a porn convention.

The entire wedding party (of which myself & my son were included) walked out to movie & TV theme songs, such as the Love Boat and "Eye of the Tiger", and while the ceremony itself followed tradition, such as the couple being wed under the chupah (hoopah) and Paul crushing the glass to shouts of 'Mazal Tov' at the end, many other aspects of the event defied normal conventions.
All of that combined with seeing family members and friends that I hadn't seen in anywhere from 10-30 years made for an awesome, emotional experience, one that no one in attendance shall forget any time soon. We all walked away from it saying it was the best wedding we had ever been to, and to think there was no garter belt, no bouquet toss, and not even a cake!
That's my sis, always on the cutting edge!
The other great part of our trip was that my wife, son and I got to visit New York City for the first time. Being from Boston I'd always assumed that I'd hate the Big Apple, you know cause I friggin can't stand the Stanks and Mets and every one of their fans.
But surprisingly I (we) loved the city and our brief stay in it. One of the benefits of having family live there is they can help everything run smoothly.
We had a great hotel, the Shelburne Murray Hill, located 3 1/2 blocks from the Empire State Building and featuring a hip staff and scenic rooftop bar, and Melissa guided us to what we could & could not do according to our limited time frame.
In fact from quick airport trips to friendly cabbies & cops, the only time we had a bad moment was when it rained as soon as we got to the top of the Empire State Building (of course.)
Even that bit of disappointment wasn't enough to spoil our time, and although we didn't get to do a lot of things due to time constraints, we did & saw enough to enjoy the time we spent and want to go back again to do the rest.
Hey, I got an idea-why don't I shut up now and let some of the 557 pictures I took do the rest of the talking. Good idea.
It may have been overcast, but the view was still spectacular
We were all blown away by the rustic beauty of the historic Orensanz temple

I now pronounce you...
My great Aunt Ruthie & Uncle Normie were the hits of the night
My wife & son cut a mean rug
My Uncle Tony & Aunt Nancy try not to wake my Uncle Phil Me and my (not so little) cousins Gina & Lauren
My Aunt Annie and (little) cousin Greg, a hotel magnate in the making
Me and my Aunt Deb and Uncle Jimmy and cousin Courtney...
...and Courtney's brother Ryan, who's headed to UMass in the fall
I thought I'd better include some of Paul's family in these pix. I chose these sisters-in-law for no particular reason

As I stepped outside the venue for a breather...

The next day we walked the city from the hotel all the way to Times Square,

My wife & son took it all in
We made it all the way to Central Park

Where Drew loved to climb the rocks

But even after taking in all the historical grandeur of the city...
...the highlight for me had to be meeting the one and only Rupert Gee!
Congrats Meliss & Paul and may you have a long & healthy marriage.
And as a native Bostonian I hate to say this but...
I loved New York!